Wednesday 26 August 2020

Luxury resort turns magnificent pool into fish farm to make ends meet

The massive swimming pool at the Aveda Resort and Spa in Kumarakom, Kerala, India is busy with guests these days. The resort is still closed due to COVID-19 and the swimmers are actually pearl spot fish, a delicacy in India and the Middle East. From The National:

"We have had zero revenue, so in June, we put around 16,000 two-month-old pearl spot fish in the pool," says Aveda's general manager, Jyotish Surendran[…]

"We plan to harvest by November and will export to the Middle East," Surendran said, predicting about four tonnes of pearl spots growing in the swimming pool could be worth $40,000 (Dh146,900) on the market.

(image: AVEDA Kumarakom)