Monday, 3 October 2016

New York Attorney General bans Trump Foundation from raising money in NY state


Following news reports showed that Donald J. Trump's nonprofit foundation did not have the proper paperwork to raise donations, the office of New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today issued a “notice of violation” to the non-profit, “ordering it to immediately stop soliciting donations in New York,” reports the New York Times.

The letter, which was sent on Friday and released on Monday morning by Mr. Schneiderman’s office, said that its charities bureau had determined that the Donald J. Trump Foundation had been fund-raising in New York this year when it was not registered to do so under state law.

“The Trump Foundation must immediately cease soliciting contributions or engaging in any other fund-raising activities in New York,” wrote James Sheehan, the chief of the charities bureau.

Mr. Trump’s foundation has come under increasing scrutiny amid questions about his fulfillment of large charitable pledges and his lack of financial support in recent years.

The foundation’s compliance with the rules that govern nonprofit groups has also been a concern. The New York Times reported last month that Mr. Trump’s foundation does not show up on the charity registers in many states and The Washington Post subsequently reported that the foundation did not have the certification necessary to solicit money in New York.

Read the NY AG's letter here.