Thursday, 7 May 2020

Trump says wearing a mask would 'send the wrong message,' make him look ridiculous

Impeached and manifestly unfit U.S. President Donald Trump is telling his GOP MAGA allies that him wearing a mask would “send the wrong message,” and make him look ridiculous.

The president said doing so would make it seem like he is preoccupied with health instead of focused on reopening, reports AP.


Trump has told advisers that he believes wearing one would “send the wrong message,” according to one administration and two campaign officials not authorized to publicly discuss private conversations.

The president said doing so would make it seem like he is preoccupied with health instead of focused on reopening the nation’s economy — which his aides believe is the key to his reelection chances in November.

Moreover, Trump, who is known to be especially cognizant of his appearance on television, has also told confidants that he fears he would look ridiculous in a mask and the image would appear in negative ads, according to one of the officials.

More at the Associated Press:
Trump tells allies his wearing a mask would 'send the wrong message', make him look ridiculous