When a woman heard someone at her neighbor's house repeatedly screaming "Let me out!" she did what every good samaritan would do and promptly called 9-1-1. Police soon came to the rescue, only to find that the cries for help weren't coming from a person in distress, but from Rambo, a parrot who had been happily swinging on an outdoor perch.
From YouTube:
"...four police officers showed up saying a neighbor called because she heard a woman screaming for help. I promptly introduced the officers to Rambo and we all had a good laugh. Afterward, I also introduced Rambo to the neighbor who called in the screaming. She too had a good laugh. Sometimes Rambo yells 'help, help, let me out'. Something I taught him when I was a kid and Rambo lived in a cage."
Here's the scene, caught on the man's Ring cam:
Via AP
Top image: By Kaditya97 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link