Friday 27 December 2019

Get on the fast track to an IT career in 2020 with the help of this training

Having an IT career means dealing with constant change. There are updates, new security threats and, on occasion, entirely new web platforms to deal with as companies adapt to new demands.

That's why the best asset on an IT resume is diversity, and that's why the Complete 2020 IT Certification Exam Prep Mega Bundle covers a wide range of cloud platforms.

The bundle combines nine courses on four different systems, all taught by some of the most experienced minds in the field. There's four classes alone on Microsoft Azure, allowing you to set up a cloud storage solution for any company, keep it up to date and deal with any structural changes that need to be made along the way.

The courses on Cisco cover everything from simple networking fixes to the protocols you'll need to know for their new CCNA R/S 200-125 exam. A tutorial on CompTIA teaches their security structure back to front. And of course, you'll train in AWS as a Certified Solutions Architect.

The entire bundle is now 97% off the cost of the individual courses at $39.