"101 degrees in the shade..."
It's been hot in the Bay Area and I was joking with a friend that we should take the "Nestea Plunge." They had no idea what I was talking about which surprised me, given the iconic ad campaign ran from the 1970s through the 1990s (and came back in 2014).
I grew up on Cape Cod, so we didn't have a pool, we just went to the beach when it was hot. For hours, my friends and I would put our arms out and fall backwards into the Atlantic, trying to reenact the Plunge we saw on TV. It was like an in-water trust fall with only the waves to catch you.
Cripes, you all remember it, don't you? Surely it's just an anomaly that my friend didn't know about it. https://youtu.be/k1JyyYFarpM
"Temperature was up around 103..." https://youtu.be/SYZyzf5-ZJM
"The temperature was up around 111..." https://youtu.be/VLcjHA01KEA
"Come on, taste the taste of wetness..." https://youtu.be/n2K4gWWDQlo
Even legendary groupie Pamela Des Barres took the Nestea Plunge https://youtu.be/dWj-FMqY0Q0
They're *still* taking the Plunge in the Philippines