This cartoon, published in The New Yorker, appears to be annoying men today. The cartoonist is Will McPhail, who is good at capturing the moment.
So, of course:
Robert Jeantet So, she's allowed to tell him what she thinks of it, but he's not allowed to tell her what he thinks of it ? What a great way to have a dialogue. To call it "mansplaining" is just as patronizing. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. And inversely.
Angus Moorehead You expect them to wonder in silence rather than discuss the art. Really.
Gary Wheat "I wonder" in conversation is commonly interpreted as an invitation for help in understanding something. If this were a date and I had some insight about the painting to offer and was met with such a passive-aggressive response, I would certainly reconsider a second date
On and on and on it goes. Prints are available.